- Q & A
All Q&A
Compliance Q&A: Retroactive Termination of Individuals' Benefits Coverage (Article)
Compliance Q&A: On-site Clinics (Article)
Compliance Q&A: What is the "Excepted Benefit" status and why does it matter? (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Fiduciary Duties in Vendor Selection and Management (Article)
Compliance Q&A: Reporting Prescription Drug and Health Care Spending (Article)
Compliance Q&A: State Individual Mandate Reporting Requirements (Article)
Compliance Q&A: Health Flexible Spending Accounts — Unsubstantiated Expenses (Compliance Q&A)
Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) of 2021 (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Affordability Safe Harbors (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: End of National Emergency (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Governmental Plans (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Group Term Life Insurance Taxation (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: High Cost Claimants: ACA, ADA and HIPAA Considerations (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Medicare and Health Savings Accounts (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Look-Back Measurement Method and Reduction of Hours (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Best Practices for Level-Funded Plan Compliance (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Accidental Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWA) (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Reporting Prescription Drug and Health Care Spending (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Employer Mandate Penalties 226J (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Cafeteria Plan Eligibility – S-Corporation Owners (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Controlled Group, Common Control or Affiliated Service Group & Employee Benefits (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Continuing or Terminating Benefits During a Leave of Absence (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Rehire Rules After the ACA (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Short Plan Year (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Summarizing the No Surprises Act (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Limiting Coverage of Employees’ Spouses (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: The ERISA “Church” Plan Exemption (White Paper)
Compliance Q&A: Advantages of Having a Wrap Plan Document (Compliance Q&A)
Compliance Q&A: Classing Out Executive Benefits (Compliance Q&A)
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Insurance products and services offered through McGriff Insurance Services, LLC, a subsidiary of TIH Insurance Holdings, LLC, are not a deposit, not FDIC insured, not guaranteed by a bank, not insured by any federal government agency and may go down in value.
McGriff Insurance Services, LLC. CA License #0C64544